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Getting Started

October 9, 2006


I am a dough surgeon aka a baker of bread (that’s where the sweat shop reference comes from). Not just any bread, but an amazing assortment of breads all made from scratch. This weekend was the Canadian Thanksgiving and so this past week I was a very busy baker. After every holiday season I say that I’m getting to old for this shit, but after 25yrs of saying it, I don’t think anyone believes me.

To add to the joy of the week, I had a wisdom tooth extracted Wednesday night. You know how people are always saying how much fun extractions are? Well they lied. It wasn’t fun at all. I was out of the chair at 7pm and at work for 9pm. My face was still frozen and for most of the night I had blood and saliva dribbling down my chin.

The dentist gave me a prescription for Tylenol3’s; adequate for pain management, but not so great for regularity. By yesterday afternoon I was feeling decidedly backed up. ♀ went to the drug store and bought one of those 1 shot mineral oil enema kits. There were still kids in the house so I was endrab (men’s clothes), but underneath I was wearing a black bra and pantie set. (the first lingerie that ♀ ever bought just for me). It was funny, when my step-son was leaving with his girlfriend, ♀ & I both noticed her thong sticking out from the top of her jeans. The label was showing and it was the same brand and colour I was wearing.

After they’d left and we’d fed the other child and had him suitably distracted ♀ suggested I go up stairs and get ready. When she finally arrived, I was on the bed on my hands and knees with my horny little butt facing the door. She came up behind me and started lightly stroking me. Her fingers traced across my shoulders and slowly down my back.

“Did you feel pretty today, Baby?” She asked as her hands squeezed my ass cheeks and slowly slid down my thighs. “I think you should get dressed in something sexy later on, before you pamper me.”

She moved in closer. Her fingers barely touching my inner thighs sent shivers up and down my spine. She reached between my legs and gently cupped my balls. “Does my sissy have a horny little ass?” She whispered in my ear.

She started stroking my thickening cock with one hand while rubbing my ass with the other. “You like that, don’t you baby?” She asked as she teased my rosebud with a well lubed finger.

When she decided that my cock was sufficiently hard, she placed the tip of the applicator against my asshole. “Do you want me to fuck you now?”

“Yes” I moaned, trying to push myself against the hard plastic. But she would not be rushed and had a firm grasp of my cock. Ever so slowly she eased into me.

“Ohh Baby, you are so tight, ” she purred as she started to fuck me. “It’s been so long since I’ve been inside of you.”

She was still stroking my cock while she fucked me and it didn’t take long for me to get to the edge. “Do you want me to shoot my hot cum in your ass Baby?”

“Please mommy, fill my horny bumcunt with your cum.” I pleaded. She stopped fucking me and slapped my ass…hard.

“Mommy can’t cum in your ass bitch, only daddy can do that. If you want daddy to fill that tight little girly ass up with his seed, you have to beg him for it.”

“Oh daddy please…please, I want to feel you cum inside of me. Fill me so full that it drips out of me for a week. Make me your whore daddy, PLEASE.”

And as my cock started twitching in ♀’s hand, she pushed the plunger and filled me with the mineral oil. Moaning in my ear as she came inside me and I came in her hands.

Even when she’s faking it, it’s still pretty cool when we both cum at the same time.

♀ was not quite done with me yet. She withdrew the applicator and reached into the toy drawer for a butt plug. “To get the full effect of the treatment,” she explained as if I was a child, “the oil needs to stay in there for awhile and I don’t want you leaking on my nice clean sheets. I want you to sit here with that plug in for 20 minutes,” she instructed, “then you can go and get cleaned up.”

She held up her cum drenched hand between us and we both licked it off and that led to one of those long lingering post sex kisses that reminds me that I’m married to a goddess.

Before ♀ left me to percolate, she put some of her perfume on me so I’d smell pretty later.

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1 Comment »

  1. I just wanted to say WOW! your site is really good and i’m proud to be one of your surfers

    Comment by IL__ Home Insurance — March 5, 2007 @ 8:28 pm

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