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Body Hair

October 24, 2006


I did a very dumb thing this past weekend. I shaved all my body hair off. When ♀ & I started exploring this whole cross dressing  (about 4 yrs ago) sissy (about 6 months ago) thing she made 1 request..that the facial hair and body hair stay on. The facial hair I could understand, but the body hair always seemed a bit…I don’t know…punitive.

Anyway, ♀ was out of town for the day, there were no children about and I’d had a few beers so I decided that since I had the house all to myself I should get dressed up. I opened a brand new pair of panty-hose and just before I pulled them on decided that I really wanted to feel what it was like to pull them on silky smoooooth legs. One thing led to another and before I knew it, everything….I mean absolutely everything from my ankles up to my neck was smooth.

I must admit that new panty-hose on freshly smooth legs did feel very nice and once I finished getting dressed (pink bra with my silicone inserts, waist cincher, lovely pink sweater, tight black skirt, heels, earrings and some eye liner, blush and lipstick…just in case you were wondering) I really did feel very pretty.

Things started going downhill when ♀ came home with a migraine. (anyone out there have a home remedy that works?) After she started feeling better I told her what I had done. She was not happy.

♀ has beautiful blonde hair that is almost down to her butt. She’d been threatening to get it cut because it is such a hassle to comb it in the morning before she goes to work. So one of my sissy duties is to brush and braid her hair every night before she goes to bed. She pointed out that I would be very upset if she came home one day with short hair without ever discussing it with me.

It’s been 3 days and I can’t hold her without prickling her. She says that during sex it feels like she’s being rubbed with sandpaper (and not in a good way) and now I have a nasty rash on most of my body, including my very sensitive arm pits. I worked my first shift of the week last night and as the title of this blog suggests; I sweat. OW!

New panty-hose on freshly shaved legs does feel very nice, but I think once was more then enough for that little experiment.

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  1. :) sounded like you had some fun :) Yes the prickle stage isn’t nice :)
    How about just keeping it to shaved legs in your stockings :)

    Comment by the girlfriend — October 26, 2006 @ 9:30 pm

  2. [Cool staff!||Hi! I think this need for || Help me with - ||Hello....||I find this - || It`s realy cool!]

    Comment by cfwnopq — May 26, 2007 @ 4:49 am

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